From the start this firm has been committed to service. We will not allow anything to compromise this basic tenet of our mission statement. We are committed to having enough knowledge and experience, to properly attend to all matters timorously and diligently.
Where strong trustees and a capable managing agent are harnessed together, the end result can only be the successful management of the complex. Our mission is to facilitate this teamwork and to give guidance to the trustees, enabling them to exercise their leadership effectively.
From past experience we know that sound financial management is the starting point and our systems are selected for this purpose. Monthly updated financial information regarding your complex is continuously available to the trustees in an easily understandable format. Budgets are also compiled to ensure a sound financial position and cash flow.
- Placing of insurance
- Advice to the trustees, regarding insurance matters
- Handling of claims
Body Corporate Rules
- Provision of the rules of the body corporate and assistance with their enforcement
- Correspondence in this regard.
- Contacting relevant maintenance contractors for the up-keep of the routine repairs weekly inspections of the site to ensure the site’s weekly routine maintenance has been carried out to the agreed standard
- Collection of monthly levies and the keeping of proper records regarding all payments, by residents, to the body corporate
- Follow up of arrears, and handing over of such accounts, when required, to an outside party or attorney for collection and/or legal action.
- Report to the trustees.
Other Amounts
- Correspondence regarding and collection of monies owing to the body corporate by other institutions.
Monitoring & Control
Continuous monitoring of the financial position of the body corporate and advising the trustees and body corporate of tendencies and problems.
Payments to Creditors
Payment for goods delivered and services rendered to the body corporate on behalf of the body corporate. Payments to contractors are only made when authorised by the trustees.
- Preparation of an annual budget for modification / approval at the AGM
- Preparation of a proposed levy schedule, to provide for the necessary funds.
Reserve Funds
Investment of reserve funds in the name of the body corporate, to the advantage of the body corporate, if requested by the trustees, or as necessary.
Body Corporate Bank Accounts
Managing of the Body Corporate bank accounts on behalf of the board of trustees.
Computerised Systems
We utilise a computerised Sectional Title System. Budgeting facilities with year-to-date expenses measured against year-to-date budget and total yearly budget. Complete Credit Control System with automatic printing of notification letters to the Owners in accordance with its status.
The above-mentioned system enables us to supply our clients with plain and simple, but complete, information regarding their financial position on a monthly basis and provide all trustees with a set of monthly reports.
Arranging the annual audit of the body corporate's financial matters with the auditor, as appointed at the AGM.
Annual General Meetings
Convening and attendance of the AGM, including all the relevant correspondence.
Trustee Meetings
We do not restrict the number of trustee meetings per annum. I have a very personal management style, however, which deals with problems as they surface and often make the holding of meetings superfluous.
- Keeping minutes of all attended meetings.
- Compilation and safekeeping of documentation, such as attendance registers, proxies, minutes, chairman’s reports, etc., and the provision thereof, as required.
- Distribution of a circular regarding new levies and trustees, after the AGM.
- Other circulars as necessary or as required by the trustees.
- Dealing with one person, a one stop shop, this enables the basic management fee per unit to stay low, especially on portfolios with less the 30 units.
- Managing of all service personal, ensuring all comply with health and safety.
Monthly administration of salaries, wages, deductions, bank deposits, transfers, UIF payments etc.